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Who makes up a democracy, beyond the electorate? Above and beyond casting a vote, how do people participate meaningfully in a democracy during (and after) an election, whether or not they have the right to vote? 
Through this oral history project, we will capture the stories of our families and community members' beliefs about whether or not they felt their voices and votes matter and have affected change, the stories of their first time voting if they can vote, and their hopes and dreams for the upcoming U.S. elections if they are not able to cast a vote themselves.

Joi Ward

Oakland, CA

Eboni Houston

Highland, CA

Christian Martinez

Oakland, CA

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Juan Carlos Perez

Long Beach, CA

Regina Glover - Johnson

New York City

Amelia Fay-Berquist

Los Angeles, CA

Lisa Harewood


Karen Cueva

Alexandria, VA

Juan Carlos Perez en español

Long Beach, CA

Amelia Fay-Berquist en español

Los Angeles, CA

Karen Cueva en español

Alexandria, VA

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